Many of the mistakes I have made are actually quite common investing mistakes so my goal here is to share them with you so you can avoid them.
Top 5 Investing Mistakes I Have Learned From…So You Can Avoid Them
of the keys to investing is learning from your mistakes. That is true of life
in general. Fortunately I made my biggest mistakes early in my investing
career. I still make mistakes or simple misjudgments or miscalculations but
what is important is to learn from each one and avoid the big ones. Many of the
mistakes I have made are actually quite common investing mistakes so my goal
here is to share them with you so you can avoid them.
Not in any
particular order but let's start the list!
That An Investment Will Rebound & Go Back Up
they just don't. You invest in something and think "Well if this stock was
such a great deal I invested in it at $75 it is even a better deal at $55 now
so I should hold onto it or maybe buy more." The unfortunate truth is
sometimes stocks go down and keep going down for a reason and there will come a
point where you just have to cut your losses.
Check out the video
to see an example of this with me and Lucent Technologies.
That Those "Top 5 Stocks To Buy Today" Articles Are Right
key thing to understand about investing articles is that they are designed to
get eyeballs to look at them so they can sell adverting against them and the
publisher can make money. Article where they list top things to buy get
attention. Some of them are good and you can tell because they will go into
detail about why the stock is a good buy and use data to back that up but will
also talk about the downside risk as well.
Check out the video
above to see a really bad example my younger self did.
Knowing The Rules
is particularly true with tax advantaged accounts. For example, in the USA if
you have a 401k at work and you leave the company and want to move your 401k to
the new employer or to a mutual fund company of your choosing and manage it
yourself that is a called a 401 Rollover and if you do it wrong you will get
hit with some big penalties.
Check out the video
above to see how I made this big mistake and it cost me 10% of my profits
because I did not follow the rules…because I did not know the rules at the
time. This example can be a real costly mistake to avoid.
Too Much
If you collect stamps then owning a lot of stamps is a good thing. Collecting a wide variety of investments such as many mutual funds or exchange traded funds (ETF) can lead to not knowing what you are investing in, possibly had unnecessary fees, and not understanding the purpose of each of your investments. Diversification is a good thing but this goes way beyond that to where you become more a collector than investor.
Yep. Since I am good at evaluating and choosing mutual funds and ETF that can lead to a little bit of collecting so check out the video to learn more about this mistake of mine that I still need to watch out for.
Money On The Table
is actually a very common mistake that many people make. In the video I talk
about investing in a plan through work like the 401k plan in the USA and how
some companies will match what you are investing up to a certain amount. For
example, 3% of your salary. That means that if you invest just 3% of your
salary then the employer will put that same amount into your retirement account
(401k) automatically. Nothing you have to do it is free money. So important you
know if there are any benefits like that you can take advantage of.
Check out the video
to learn more about my case when I was younger and one big secret to my success
is not only investing to a company match but striving to invest the maximum I
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